I have been a hairstylist for 20 plus years. I am a daughter, sister, mother and a good, good girlfriend. I am a luxury Wig designer and a certified Non-surgical Hair Replacement Specialist. I am so excited to be walking and working in and on purpose! I absolutely love creating.
In 2005, my sister, Rhonda Kinchen was diagnosed with cancer and she lost her battle with this horrible disease in 2009. Custom Glory Wigs was birthed out of this pain. No experience good or bad is ever wasted. I firmly believe that God has given me a special anointing to work with women with hair challenges... As I so lovingly call it “Hair loss, the dirty little secret.”
Women have been in bondage for so long hiding and wearing the mask. (Long before Covid-19). My goal is to help women become their own kind of BeYOUtiful by empowering and inspiring the woman that’s inside of them. Reminding them of Proverb 31:25.
We are clothed in strength and dignity and we laugh without fear about our future.
Please trust that this is a safe place. You can breathe now! Let me style your confidence.
Love Toni ❤️
It is said that Beauty Is Pain, But It Doesn't have to Be. Let Me Help You!
Our Mission
To Provide Our Clients With Beautifully Coiffed, Tailored Made Wigs That Fit Their Needs And Lifestyle. We Take Great Pleasure In Adorning Every Customer With A Crown Of Excellence. We Love Our Clients Back To Life One Custom Glory Wig Unit At A Time! It's More Than Just A Wig! We Envision Ourselves Being The One Stop Shop For All Of Your Wig & Hair Piece Needs. Each Wig Unit Is Sewing Machine Made With Care And Built To Last.
Our Vision
Custom Glory Wigs are made with Love!
They are tailor made to fit you!
They represent strength! Beauty ! Courage and integrity!
We want to be able to give women something that they feel they have lost. We want every woman to know that she is ENOUGH and that we are the hair loss solution to Cancer treatments, alopecia , lupus, pre mature balding or the lady that's just looking for a change ... we want them to know that their hair is God’s Graffiti!
Custom Glory Wigs hopes to be able to fill the void for whatever challenges that seem to be a road block in our customers life!
We are intentional about promoting healing from the outside in by replacing as well as adjusting the crown on your head. One beautiful wig unit at a time.
We pray our wig units bring you the FREEDOM to BE your own kind of BeYOUtiful!!! New Doo! New YOU!