Apr 02, 2021
Let me Introduce Myself!
I have been a hairstylist for 20 plus years. I am a daughter, sister, mother and a good, good girlfriend.
I am a luxury Wig designer as well as a certified Non-surgical Hair Replacement Specialist.
I created a women’s apparel line that empowHERs and inspires the amazing woman that God has called us to be.
God has given me a special anointing to work with women that have suffered with hair challenges. I absolutely love helping them with their hair loss journey.
I don’t see their challenge... I only see their COURAGE!
I don’t see their trial ... I only see their TRANSFORMATION!
I don’t see their fear ... I only see their FAITH.
I don’t see them in pieces ... but, I do see the P-E-A-C-E they have after they’ve encountered me!

Our bruised heel can still produce something magical even in our BROKENNESS! Amen!
It’s the way we walk, it’s the way we talk! It’s the way we laugh, it’s the way we smile! It’s even the way that we cry... you see TEARS are words that we can’t say!
So over the years I’ve learned to love and respect my “NESS”;
My BROKEN-ness!
My WEAK-ness!
My LONELI-ness!
My DOPE-ness!
My Mama Don’t PLAY-ness!
My SLAY-ness!
My BALD-ness!
My GODly-ness!
But, most of all I’ve learned to love & respect my FEARLESS-NESS!
All of my personalities are necessary!

Let me re-introduce myself, I am Toni Irby.
I am so excited to be walking/working in and on purpose.

To God be the Glory!